
Job Data For Social Media – US, UK and Canada

During December 2009 and January 2010 many of you participated in an 18-question survey that Jeff Noethen and I produced to address the job landscape for web workers. We had over 600 responses from around the world, 460 from US, UK and Canada.

Here are some of things we found.

Β Most Search Marketing Jobs Involve Social Media

Graph of social media involvement

Approximately 85% of you are spending at least 25% of your work time in online communities. In our question we did not specify whether this time is as a representative or as an individual.

Most Frequent Education Level: 4 Year College

The majority of respondents (58%) hold a bachelors degree. Only 15% of respondents across all positions and organization types have advanced degrees.

Salary and Benefits

Most of you hold salaried positions (74%) and the most frequent benefits are paid vacations (73%) and medical insurance (61%) respondents


Most Frequently Position: Manager with 5+ Years Experience and 25% of Time in Social Projects.

  • Male managers are 2x more likely to have web design as part of their duties
  • Female managers are 50% more likely to have blogging among their duties than their male counterparts
  • Across all organization levels and positions women are 46% more likely to have blogging among their duties
  • Women are also 30% less likely to be in roles that include web design or web development when they are involved in online communities.

Women Have Great Opportunity in Social Media

At five years of experience women are 50% more likely than men to be making over $75,000 and none of our female respondents are making less than $35,000 by 5-years of experience. Also, men are more likely to be making under $35,000 than they are to be making over $140,000 by 5-years of experience in a job that is .

Visit see all the graphs and read more on Gender Difference in Salary

Feel free to download the data we collected the zip file includes the responses separated by:

  • Currency Corrected
    • Gender
    • US
    • UK
    • All US, UK and Canada
  • Raw Data
    • All Responses (XLS & CSV)
    • All Responses (Graphic)

Β When you use our data please attribute to

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